How long does transforming food into compost with a green think box take?
Green think box the process of converting food leftovers into compost is more than simply a practical way to dispose of kitchen waste; it’s also a wonderful technique to enrich garden soil, resulting in healthier and more productive crops. When counting from the last layer applied, the fermentation process in the Green Think Box usually takes two weeks to complete. The amount of kitchen waste reduces by up to 25% during this period and transforms into a very useful pre-compost.
Step 1: Transform food scraps into pre-compost
When the Green Think Box is full, close it for two weeks to allow the fermentation process to take its course. It will take about two weeks for the beneficial microorganisms in the paper carrier that you have been adding to the kitchen waste to complete the fermentation process completely. In the meantime, microbial inoculants paper carrier. It would help in order to keep the fermentation mass dry.
Step 2: Bury the pre-compost mass into the garden soil.
After two weeks of fermentation in the Green Think Box, bury the fermented mass in your garden, ensuring that the soil completely covers it. Bury it about 25 to 30 centimeters deep to keep oxygen out of the subsequent decomposition process and to keep animals from digging it up. The fermented mass will fully dissolve into the soil over the course of the following two to three months, enriching it with superior nutrients. It should be mentioned that during the warmer months, the procedure moves considerably more quickly. Winter is the time of nature’s rest and low temperatures make decomposing a lot slower.
Green Think Box composting vs. Traditional composting
The main difference between traditional and green think box composting is in the utilization of microbial inoculants as a paper carrier, which considerably accelerates the process. Because of that, traditional composting takes almost twice as long as green think box composting. The valuable combination of food scraps and microbial inoculants added to green think box compost will immediately trigger the fermentation process and make it run faster and more effectively. Furthermore, the anaerobic nature of Green Think Box compost is greatly advantageous due to its low losses of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen—all of the primary building blocks of organic compounds.
Consider the elements carbon and nitrogen, as an example. They can both be great for forming amino acids which are proven to have very beneficial effects on the growth and yield of crops. However, with traditional composting, most of the nitrogen gets lost through evaporation into the atmosphere in the form of ammonia (NH3), while carbon evaporates in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). Both of these gases have the potential to be environmentally hazardous in larger concentrations. As we know, ammonia has a very unpleasant smell and can, in great amounts, even be toxic. And carbon dioxide increases the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and accelerates global warming.
Extra advantages of composting with Green Think Box
Green Think Box compost has additional benefits that all gardeners should be aware of. Its extraordinary capacity to prevent the development of specific plant diseases is one of them. Moreover, the soil that has been supplemented with Green Think Box compost is probably going to become more worm-rich, which will cause the soil to become less compact and retain more air. All of these circumstances have been shown to promote plant development.
At farmland, we believe that returning organic matter to the soil is one of the most important steps toward a sustainable future in terms of healthy food supply and the ability to counteract climate change. Whether their community is an office building, a town, or a residential neighborhood, every citizen may contribute by becoming more involved. Green Think Box composting is a lowtech solution that requires little effort to modify behavior.